The Daily Gwen

Tuesday, September 27, 2005

How to Roll Over (according to Gwenny)

Step 1. Put arms in position and prepare kickstand leg
(Note examples of "right" and "wrong" arm placement)

Step 2. Use kickstand leg to push off while throwing arm in the air with reckless abandon. Add in a head toss for flare.

Step 3. Land on back and await applause from audience. (For repeat performances assistance will be required to return the stunt person to her original tummy-down position.)

Monday, September 26, 2005

Daycare photos from today!

Get a sneak peak at Gwenny's daycare hangout on our flickr account.

our photos

Tuesday, September 20, 2005

New images up!

New photos are up at flickr.

Wednesday, September 14, 2005

The Buggy Ride

At Gwen's daycare they have a multi-baby stroller that they call the "buggy". There is one that seats 4 munchkins and one that seats 6.

The first time that I arrived and saw the kids all loaded up in the buggy it was so funny - it looked just like they were at school and getting lined up in the hall to go to the cafeteria.

Here are a couple pics of Gwen going on a buggy ride. Note Gwen grabbing the girl next to her. They took turns grabbing each other.

Tuesday, September 13, 2005

Gwen's Tricks

Gwenny can now do several tricks. One trick is sitting up by herself. More pics to come.