The Daily Gwen

Saturday, February 18, 2006

Gwen's Breakfast Review

Cereal - the house specialty - outstanding as always.
Peaches - a basic done right.
Froot Loops - wow! if you haven't tried these yet, you are missing out!
Cow's milk - what they are trying to pass off as a "health drink" tastes more like the toilet to me!

(Her first time trying both cow's milk and Froot Loops.)

Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Gwenny's 1st Birthday

Gwenny's 1st birthday is coming up on March 18th and some people have been inquiring as to what she might need. She asked me to post some ideas at

Gwenny's First Word

Yeah yeah, she's been saying "mama", "dada", and "baba" for a while now. But this is her first "real" word - and she knows what it means. Of course, once she discovered what a positive reaction she gets when she says it, she started saying it all day and all night.

Daddy and I were at an office supply store and she said "cat". We laughed and explained that she says it all the time, regardless of whether there is actually a cat present. Imagine our suprise to turn around and see that she was looking at a folder with a cat on it! Who looks silly now?

Gwenny says "cat"

Gwenny Crawling

And mommy trying to get her to say "cat".

Gwenny's Cleanup Crew

After every meal it's Grommit to the rescue. He's our official cleanup crew. Gwenny and Grommy had a wonderful relationship - she was happy to feed him all her food and he was happy to eat it all... until we installed baby gates. Now Grommit has to wait until after the meal is over for his feast. How demeaning.

Gwenny at the Austin Zoo

Gwenny's New Hairdo

Here she is eating a banana - one of her favorite things. When she sees me peeling it she's makes an urgent "mmmm-mmmm-mmmm" sound.

Now people can tell she's a girl.

Gwenny's First Trip to Chucky Cheese's

She generously donated all of her tokens to her big brother and his friend. She did enjoy her pizza and the "Make Believe Band" show though!